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Best Pigs Best Friends

A gift for Jick featuring his favorite pokemon Grumpig and Cufant who we jokingly started calling "best pig" since grumpig wasn't in that generation. But really they're both best, best friends. Digital, January 2020

This is Only Temporary Brain

A doodle I did to remind myself that bad brain times are only temporary. Things will get brighter again. Alcohol marker and ink on 100lb bristol, February 2020

Pokemon Steelers Logo

A logo for another pokemon competitive team based around the Steelers' logo. The pokemon depicted here are both steel types. Digital, March 2020

Happy Birthday Alcremie Cake

A birthday gift for my friend Aidan whose favorite pokemon is sunkern! The cake here is based around all the sweets you can give to milcery to evolve it into alcremie because Aidan and I both did a ton of limited time raids to get all of the sweets. Aidan still uses this sunkern as a PFP, one of my favorite art compliments. Digital, March 2020

No Knee Juice Club Patch

This was a digital patch I decided to make after chatting with a streamer who was turning 30 and claimed they were joining the "No Knee Juice Club." This became the basis for my other body patches that I've been making, inspired by girlscout/boyscout badges. Digital, April 2020

Be a Happy Birthday Wart

A birthday gift for my friend Calebroz. Cale, Aidan, and I all started a gen 5 shiny lock around this time and Cale was going after Oshawott. The rival at the start calls you a worrywart which is why I included it in the text. Digital, July 2020

The Anxious Magneton Mystery

I don't remember the exact conversation that lead to this but there was a joke that Aidan, Cale and I were three parts of the same anxious beast and thus The Anxious Magneton was born. Someone made a joke that it sounded like we were a mystery solving squad so I made this as a joke. Digital, August 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 1

This was the first week of my year long project Year of Lyrics where I made a typography piece once a week based on a song I related to. I never would have started this project if Aidan and Jick hadn't encouraged me to do so. Both of them now own some of the original pieces from this project and I'm eternally grateful for all their support as I muddled my way into being a full time artist. Week 1: #1 Crush by Garbage, Ink on 100lb Bristol, August 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 2

Week 2: lyrics from 1940 by The Submarines. Ink on 100lb bristol, September 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 3

Week 3: lyrics from Peace to the Mountain by Coheed and Cambria, Ink and alcohol marker on 100lb bristol, September 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 4

Week 4: lyrics from What's in the Middle by the Bird and the Bee, ink on 100lb bristol, September 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 5

Week 5: lyrics from Tongues by Aeseaes, ink and watercolor on 100lb bristol, September 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 6

Week 6: lyrics from Pavlov's Bell by Aimee Mann, Watercolor pencil and ink on 100lb bristol, September 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 8

Week 8: lyrics from Garden of Eden by Rob Cantor, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, October 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 7

Week 7: lyrics from Gravity's Union by Coheed and Cambria, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, October 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 9

Week 9: lyrics from Undertow by Sara Barreilles, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, October 2020

Words Bookmark

This was a bookmark I made for one of the friends who inspired the Year of Lyrics project using lyrics from his favorite Coheed and Cambria song, a band we both like. Lyrics from The Light and The Glass by Coheed and Cambria. Watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, October 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 10

Week 10: lyrics from Time is Now by Moloko, ink, acrylic, and watercolor on 100lb bristol, October 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 11

Week 11: lyrics from Reasons to Fall by Lauren Hoffman, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, November 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 12

Week 12: lyrics from Step Off by Kasey Musgraves, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, November 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 13

Week 13: lyrics from Beautiful by Aimee Mann, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, November 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 14

Week 14: lyrics from It Will Come Back by Hozier, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, November 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 15

Week 15: lyrics from Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie, watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, December 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 16

This is the first Year of Lyrics piece I posted on my Patreon! Which Aidan also encouraged me to start. Week 16: lyrics from From Eden by Hozier, Watercolor, watercolor pencil, and ink on 100lb bristol, December 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 17

Week 17: lyrics from Coldhearted by Bryce Fox, watercolor, watercolor pencil, and ink on 100lb bristol, December 2020

Year of Lyrics Week 18

Week 18: lyrics from Cough Syrup by Young the Giant, ink, foil, and acrylic on 100lb bristol, December 2020 This one actually fluoresces under black light! In darker you can't see some of the words so they light up to show you the "splash of the sun" when you use a black light. I used the same kind of liquid highlighters to do it that I used to use to make art back in high school.

La Vie En Rose Commission

This was a set of lyric art I did as a commission for a wedding gift. The lyrics are from La Vie En Rose which was the couple's first dance song. It's such a sweet and individualized wedding gift and I was thrilled to be able to create something so touching for the happy couple. Watercolor and ink on 100lb bristol, December 2020

Get Enough Sleep Uxie part 1

This is the first image of two as a gift to a friend who just never gets enough sleep. His favorite mythical pokemon is Uxie, which is also one of a trio of pokemon that are always sleeping, so it seemed like the perfect choice. Digital, December 2020

Get Enough Sleep Uxie part 2

The second image of the Uxie duo. If you don't get enough sleep Uxie will get you.

Year of Lyrics Week 19

Week 19: lyrics from Parachute (acoustic) by Ingrid Michaelson, ink, foil, embossing powder, and watercolor pencil on 100lb bristol, December 2020 and January 2021 I finished the two halves of this piece at different times but started them both in December 2020.

Sunkern Ornament

A little felt ornament of sunkern I made for a friend. I made the pattern myself and it is all handstitched. Felt and cotton embroidery floss, December 2020

Klefki Ornament Closed

Another felt ornament I made for a friend, this time klefki. I had fun coming up with this design and figuring out how to make it so you could take the keys off the ring. I ended up using a magnet as the closure point. Felt, cotton embroidery floss, December 2020

Klefki Ornament Open

The same klefki ornament with the magnetic closure open and the keys off the ring! Felt and cotton embroidery floss, December 2020

A watercolor sparkle with the words "Earlier Works" made to look like a sticker
Watercolor sparkles with "2021" written made to look like a sticker
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