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About Katie

Hi! I'm Katie! I've been called creative almost as long as I can remember. I've always loved creating art, mixing colors, and just learning about the world around me through art. While I knew I was always going to be creative, I wasn't always planning to make creating art my career. I have a Bachelors of the Arts degree in cultural anthropology, with minors in history and art, from the University of Alaska Anchorage. This was a change from my originally intended career path of being an elementary school educator. Life takes some interesting twists and turns, but I'm a firm believer that all the skills we find in life build us into a better, more well-rounded person, and can inform aspects of our life that we didn't expect them to!

A Meet the Artist sheer about Katie with info about their goals, prnounse, materials, likes and dislikes

Meet the Artist, painted August 2023

A watercolor painting of a concentric circles in a rainbow of color with the inner circles losing color to become black with a hole in the center. I'm still here is written on every circle.

Still Here, August 2023

A woven self portrait with a wide variety of colors yarns and texture that make it look a bit messy and chaotic.

Woven Self Portrait, November 2009

Art Focus

My art minor in college was focused on fiber, specifically weaving on a floor loom, but being a constant creative I've sampled and experimented with all types of mediums. I mainly do digital and watercolor art now, something that is much more cost effective than weaving, but still dabble in all kinds of art. I've sold beaded jewelry, sculpted polymer clay, salt dough sculptures, embroidery, woven scarves, crochet, knitting, drawings, paintings, and digital art throughout my time and will most likely find other mediums I want to play with.


I use my art as a way to process my mental health and emotions. Many of my pieces focus on my depression, anxiety, and just processing the human condition such as dealing with grief, nightmares, love, and everything in between. Much of my art, and existence if I'm being honest, is trying to help drag myself and others out of the pits depression and anxiety can leave us in. This includes things like "good work" stickers, art based around anxiety dreams, art about how alcoholism affects us and those around us, and art expressing love for the universe we live in.


An image of a red slider turtle with the word "slow progress is still progress" made to look like a sticker
A painted image of a green frog with the words "great frogress!" made to look like a sticker
a watercolor painting of a dandelion growing out of pavement that says "still growing"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "commissions"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "links"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "about"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "past projects"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "home"
Contact petal.png
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "current projects"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "art by year"
A watercolor painting of a dandelion petal reading "contact"
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